cherished canvas

cherished canvas

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wisdom from 90-Years of Life

25th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

My dear Grandpa will turn 90 this year, and with those years come life lived well.  And from him, I can only learn.  Here are his words to my children (and me) about life:

1) When discouraged, don't give up hope. You'll find that life is a lot of picking up and moving on. So move on toward the horizon, where that quest of your hopes will come into shape. But their shapes may not exactly fit your imagined dimensions.

2) You can do so much to shape your future, not by trying to push around, but by accepting people as they are. Let them be: they are they, and nobody else. Remember, God had something to do in their
existence--and yours too! You can influence them by being a good example of friendliness and caring about them. Amy Carmichael, surrounded with kids in her India orphanage, faced many trials and
concluded, about situations: "In acceptance lies peace."

3) Speaking of peace, be a peacemaker, like Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, because they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9). In other words, they will resemble God in that. Avoid the quarrelsome, got-to-have-it-my-way route. Let the other one win an argument: it will lift you up in their eyes. Begin all this at home!

4) When you look for a future partner in life, apply these simple rules and your marriage will be a happier one. For that, look for a guy with a similar attitude. Above all, pray to God that He will chose the one for you. Since He is all-knowing, He knows how to put two (usually opposites) together for a life, be it short or long, of bringing joy to others! After 62 years, we are still together and in love, and hope to be like this as we said in our marriage vows, “in sickness and in health, until death separates us.”

Their 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
My grandparents have been married for 62 years.  They are going through the hardest season in 62 years as my Grandpa visits my Grandma multiple times daily at a care facility, but when they can they hold hands, smile into the eyes they know so well, and with each new day truly comprehend every word of their marriage vow. What an incredible example and legacy they've given our family.  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

  1. Darling gal - Oh you have brought the tears again, just do I make any comment worthy of the beautiful wisdom from Grandpa you shared. Here is a quote, "Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild"& "Grandparents sprinkle stardust over the lives of children" Grandpa's wisdom is the best of stardust because it is colored with adoring love, like the love Grandma sprinkled in the bright jellos made especially for her grandkids. It is so fitting your Cherished Canvas title describes Grandpa and Grandma - even to the memory of Grandpa sketching the scenes around him on a peaceful beach on an island, away from the crazy pace of leading the mission in a noisy city. You revive memories - you are a blessing just they are!Keep it up!
