cherished canvas

cherished canvas

Monday, April 10, 2017

Going Back to Cali

"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow."

Time hadn’t passed.  It couldn’t have.  It felt so normal.  Yet the calendar’s reality has flipped through three years of time in between.  But isn’t it beautiful when you sit in the presence of those who know you so well that you don’t have to start at the beginning, and your heart feels rest-full? 

My words don’t come easily when I think about our time in California.  Three short years passed since we departed with heartaches of goodbyes from the sun-kissed land for the north’s green trees and rainbows, and we decided it was time to venture south once again for a brief visit.  Driving away that March day in 2014 was terribly difficult.  The unknown that lay before us didn’t help my planning mind rest, but we believed God had opened a door.  So, we walked through it.  Even though we knew we were right where we needed to be, the first year was filled with challenges.  Throw in a bonus pregnancy and baby and no house to call home in the interim, and the idea of missing those who knew me dug into the core of my being. And I was missing their lives. These were heart friends who knew me deeply, and had come around us in hard times and celebrated alongside up in good times.  They welcomed our babies, cheered from the sidelines, and encouraged my head to keep looking up even when life threw a curve ball, or two, or three. 
To sit with these dear ones this past week even ever so briefly was precious, and reminded me that wherever life takes us there are those along the way that will always be part of our journey.  
And at the same time, I stare at my present world, and am blown away by the people God’s given us.  And this quote rings true, “Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest.  It’s about who walked into your life and said, ‘I’m
here for you and proved it.’”
Feeling grateful for the silver and gold friends of life who continue to prove it.   

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