cherished canvas

cherished canvas

Monday, March 18, 2013

Octave-Lower Quacks

I sit on a cold, gray rock above the dark-watered pond.  Turtles show only their tiny heads above the water, and hundreds of ducks move in uniformity together.  I hear high-pitched quacks that remind me of my kids' bath toys when they were babies.  The older ducks' quacks are an octave-lower, and it seems when they talk all the other ducks follow their motions, almost as if to say, "I know the way, I've learned lessons on this journey, follow me."



Their aim is to teach and protect those under their care.  In our walk with the Lord, it's similar.  As we journey, we journey together, learning from those who have "been there before," whether it be someone like a grandparent, a mentor, a friend, or Jesus' words and the truth-filled Bible.

I am startled. I jump.  The ducks look a little out of sorts.  The little ones become unsure.  For across the pond, a chainsaw has disturbed the peace, the harmony, the symphony.  They scatter away from the noise, some sticking closeby the octave-lower quacks, other trying to find their way alone.

Sometimes in this world the chainsaws of bad news, doubts, distractions, or fears can invade our hearing, consuming us and we lose sight of the octave-lower truths that say: "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)....I watch over your coming and going (Psalm 121)...No plan of mine can be thwarted (Job 42)....I formed you in your innermost being (Psalm 139)...surely goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life (Psalm 23)..."

May I always strive to stay close to those octave-lower truths.

And as I do....I become wiser, stronger.

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