I hear the pitter-patter of my feet, and I think about my
life. The life that teeters in both
worlds. The life that craves the pace
and noises of the north but is often pulled into the pace and noises of the south. The life that hangs in the balance. When we
lived in Kenya, it was easy to hear the birds more, all the time; life is slower there. But when we moved back to Southern
California, it seems the freeway pace of life is always there. There's always somewhere to go, something to do, or so it seems. However, we have a choice as to how many
freeways we get on, the speed at which we travel, and if we choose to take the
off-ramp to slow down, stop, and refocus.
It may be saying “no” to good things, figuring out what is best in a world of good choices, or it may be getting away from the
cacophony of noises that can deafen a heart to just, simply listen.
This morning, I listened. I heard. “Therefore, since we are
surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that
hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter
of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).”
For me,
it’s about focus. It’s about
priorities. It’s about running with
perseverance. It’s about listening.
It’s about learning to live in the freedom to
fly and soar…and sing.
Oh yes, what a great reminder to watch the birds and appreciate their simple lives, as we should be. Beautiful picture - thanks!