It's been one year. Already. So much has changed. So much has happened. So much new. So much hard. So much good. So much.
One year ago, March 10, 2014, we left California and crossed the Oregon border to green grass, yellow daffodils springing from the fertile ground, and Mt. Hood's grandeur welcoming us.
Here is my top 15 things of "If you had told me on March 10, 2014 that on March 10, 2015...
#15: You have 20 minutes to write this because a precious baby is sleeping and will wake up soon!
#14: Your idea of planning and trying to map out what would happen, well, just throw that out the window.
#13: You're the newbie, nobody knows you, but strangers will begin conversations (and you'll have to start them too) on the ball field, at church, or other places, and they'll become some of the sweetest friends.
#12: There will be honest times when you say, "It would have been easier if we'd just stayed" and question it all.
#11: Your children (and you) will miss their California friends dearly, but in time they will be invited to birthday parties and play dates and settle well. They will choose their friends wisely, and all that time you spent worrying about them and their transition, well, you should have spent your time on something else.
#10: You'll become even more grateful for family.
#9: Your family pet, the one that helped you all through the transition, will unexpectedly and sadly die, but another furry friend will brighten your home and two children's hearts.
#8: The weather you were worried if you could handle, well, it turned out to be not so bad. In fact, it's absolutely beautiful and the fresh air and colors make you feel alive.
#7: You'll look out your living room window (you know, the one you thought "are we ever going to
find our home?") to see your children playing and laughing with the neighbor kids, pink cotton candy cherry blossoms lining the street, purple crocus finding their way out of the hard soil to smile upon all that pass by, and you'll know it was worth the wait.
#6: The school the kids descended into in the 11th hour would be perfect for them.
#5: You'll find others that have moved here too and seem to have a soft spot and understanding, bonding you for life.
#4: You'll receive packages for your new baby from California addresses, humbly reminding you that just as you remember and miss those you love and left they remember you too.
#3: Your husband will take you by the hand and help you process through the laughter, tears and fears, and give you the courage to pursue your dream of writing a novel.
#2: You'll be glad you said "YES!" to this crazy, wild adventure that has challenged, stretched, and grown you and your family over the past 365 days.
#1: You'll look into your newborn daughter's big blue eyes as she gives you a gummy smile in return,
and be abundantly grateful that God's plan are bigger and better than yours...
If you had told me all that, I would have laughed hard, wondered if I'd make it through at times, but still said "yes!"!
As the unknown loomed over our heads and faith was all we had, I'm glad we took that step and trusted the Lord to carry us through each step. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.
My 20 minutes has turned into two days (my new reality with a newborn)...I'm off to hold a little blessing that reminds me of the good things that come when we trust and leap!