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cherished canvas

Friday, May 30, 2014

Settling in Our New Land...12 Weeks

It’s been 12 weeks since we descended back into the Northwest.  At times, it has felt a little bit like we’re Canadian geese that have been gone for the winter, but at other times it feels like the dawn of a newly explored land where everything is unfamiliar. 

Today I have the chance to sit and listen to the delicate stream in front of me with the birds whistling all around.  The sun beats down, and I feel worlds away from the city. My children are having “recess,” rolling down the grassy hill as nature keeps them company.  So, finally, it’s time to reflect…

When we moved here, we had ideas of what the ensuing weeks would entail, but many of our plans have curtailed in the wind of the way life travels.  We have been given a peace about some things, big things, but others still seem restless and uncertain.

We have had our share of joys from the past few months….reconnecting with treasured friends, spending Mother’s Day with my mom, celebrating my dad’s birthday with him, crocheting with Matt’s grandma and hearing stories of Puerto Rican and NYC days gone by, boogie boarding in the shadow of Haystack Rock, having Matt’s parents at nearly every baseball game, watching my children scoop slimy tadpoles from the marsh to take to Papa’s pond in hopes of frogs, meeting some really amazing people that have become our new friends, and being able to homeschool my children. 

As for homeschooling: this was never my intent to finish the school year homeschooling them, but it has been one of the most beautiful gifts I’ve had the joy of unwrapping over the course of the past few months.  Now that I’ve worn the hat as teacher for my children (As parents, this hat is never removed but for me at this time it’s more of an official title since their knowledge of rhombus’ and idioms rests solely on my shoulders!), it has been so amazing to go at their pace, teach to their strengths and weaknesses, challenge them, and explore this world that’s before us together.  We will end the school year today, and although the structure of school will become a little bit looser this summer, the education will always continue.  When school begins in September, they will most likely embark on a new adventure with new teachers and new friends, but for now it’s been a gift.   

Although I still have so many unanswered questions and I’m reminded from wise people that “it takes about a year to feel like this will be home,” I have so much to be thankful for, and I stand in awe of the Creator who weaves a tapestry on the underside, making it as seems best for Him.  He knows what the finished tapestry will look like and makes everything beautiful in its time (not mine!).  For now, I’m a work in progress, and I find myself content.  It's time to roll down the green, grass hill with the giggling children.  All in all, I think we're geese that have come home!

Downtown Portland

Lake Washington Seaplane Landing

Edmonds Beach Stroll

Tournament Champions

Oregon Beach Sunset