"If what we call love doesn't take us beyond ourselves, it is not really love."-Oswald Chambers
For five days, we felt…saw…experienced…held…touched. Electronics were not missed. iPhones put away. Emails found unread in the ever-present
Inbox. Community was lived out as our
family served alongside 31 others from our church in a humble setting where
love abounds, joy resides, and language barriers restrict words but not the
overflow of the heart. The setting was
Casa Esperanza, a safe home outside of Ensenada for women and their children
where they can heal, grow, live, and be.
We stepped onto the red dirt and wanted to help wherever we could, so
amongst other things we painted, held babies, fixed bikes, did crafts with the
children and the moms, organized rooms, and jumped in the waves with the
children at the beach. But as we were leaving, our hearts began to break, and we
realized how special this place with these faces is to our growth, our life,
our very being as we process all we experienced. Tears were shed, and we must remember.
We must remember…
…when water flows from our sink to be grateful.
…to cherish what is in front of us and not take those most
precious to us for granted.
…to be thankful for each meal and a new school year upon us
where my children get to go to school unlike so many children around the
world--(The Casa children will attend a great school too, of which they are so grateful!).
…the Body of Christ is ever-present and alive around the
…the richest people in the world are those who know how to love
for love has no bounds and needs no words.
My tender-hearted boy’s eyes swelled with tears as he was
saying goodbye to his dear friend, and he took off his Little League
championship hat that he had won and put it on the dark hair of his
Here’s the thing: my son will not forget. Ever.
And each one of us on this team will not forget these faces. Ever.
They have changed us from the core. May we always let justice and praise be our
May it not just be a five day trip in the corner of our
memory bank, but may we return to our lives ready to love better, deeper, bolder and
“He has shown you, what is good and what does the Lord requires
of you? To act justly and to love mercy
and walk humbly with your God.”
--Micah 6:8